Netzach Gallery presents:


Gallery I: Metaphorms & Mythical Realities
Gallery II:  Sacred Geometries
Gallery III: Magickal Luminaries (Israel Regardie, etc.)
Gallery IV: Psychogenesis Collages
Gallery V: New Collages, 2002

Gallery IV: Psychogenesis Collages

Selected Qabalistic Collages by Iona Miller,  ©1993-2002

Radiant Forms

Radiant Forms

The Anthropos

The Anthropos

Anima Mundi

Anima Mundi

The Sourceress

The Sourceress

Astral Nights

Astral Nights

Postmodern Baphomet

Postmodern Baphomet

The Lovers

The Lovers

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below

Babe in the Abyss

Babe in the Abyss



Kether is in Malkuth

Kether is in Malkuth



Unio Mentalis

Unio Mentalis

Unus Mundus

Unus Mundus

Face of Nuit

Face of Nuit

Isis Unveiled

Isis Unveiled

Magickal Childe

Magickal Childe

Qabalistic Cross

Qabalistic Cross

Mystic Eye

Mystic Eye

Eyes of Isis

Eyes of Isis

The Holy Grail

The Holy Grail

Harpocrates on the Lotus

Harpocrates on the Lotus

Holy Guardian Angel

Holy Guardian Angel

The Homunculus

The Homunculus

The Hierosgamos

The Hierosgamos

Go to PSYCHOGENESIS for more collages with commentary

All Artwork by Iona Miller; All Rights Reserved
Clink here to email Iona Miller

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File Created: 3/17/02
Last Updated:  7/8/02