Gallery II: Sacred GeometriesPaintings by Iona Miller, ©1973-2002
Gallery I: Metaphorms & Mythical Realities
Gallery II: Sacred Geometries
Gallery III: Magickal Luminaries (Israel Regardie)
Gallery IV: Psychogenesis Collages
Gallery V:New Collages, 2002
Qabalistic Cross & the Artist
Qabalistic Cross
The Diamond Body
Nested Star
The Diamond Body: Octahedron in a Cube
Star of Regenerations
Omnidirectional Philosopher's Stone
Vector Equilibrium Star of David
Sun Code of Genetic Programming
QBL Divine Tetractys
DAATH: the Vector Equilibrium Matrix
Omnidirectional Halo
Double Cube: the Magickal Altar
Cube of Space
Qabalistic Isotropic Vector Matrix
Atomic V.E.M.
Unicursal Hexagram
All Artwork by Iona Miller; All Rights Reserved
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File Created: 3/17/02
Last Updated: 7/8/02